buildHtml baseUrl metaTags editButton /edit.html title P-Value Integrity Hub style.css header class hero nav div P-Value Integrity Hub class logo div class nav-links a Features href #features a About href #about a Contact href #contact div class hero-content h1 Upholding Data Integrity in Research p A modern platform for managing, analyzing, and visualizing research data with a focus on p-value transparency a Get Started class primary-button href #features main section id features class features h2 Key Features div class feature-grid div class feature-card div 📊 class feature-icon h3 Data Management p Upload, edit, and manage datasets with ease. Supports CSV and Excel. div class feature-card div 🔍 class feature-icon h3 P-Value Analysis p Detect and address p-value misuses like p-hacking and multiple comparisons. div class feature-card div 📈 class feature-icon h3 Visualization Tools p Create dynamic charts and graphs to explore your data. div class feature-card div 🤝 class feature-icon h3 Collaboration p Share datasets and collaborate with colleagues in real-time. section id about class about h2 About P-Value Integrity Hub p P-Value Integrity Hub is designed to help researchers maintain the highest standards of data integrity and transparency. By providing tools for data management, p-value analysis, and visualization, we aim to restore confidence in scientific findings. section id contact class contact h2 Contact Us p Have questions or feedback? Reach out to us at footer div class footer-content div class footer-links a Privacy Policy href /privacy a Terms of Service href /terms a Support href p P-Value Integrity Hub - Empowering researchers with integrity. script.js